This story was inspired by a series of events involving bad capacitors over a period of many years, culminating in my fixing a monitor that had several capacitors go bad as described in this story.
It was first posted on Facebook.
Part 1 can be found here. Part 2 can be found here.
After picking up the food I drove to a seedy, run-down part of town. I walked up to a seedy, run-down house and went up the seedy, run-down stairs onto the seedy, run-down porch. I knocked on the seedy, run-down door and it was opened by a seedy, run-down woman. She left the chain on as she gave me a seedy, run-down look.
“Hello, is L337 D00D at home?”
The woman turned away and shouted in a seedy, run-down voice, “Johnny, there’s some mook here wants ta see ya.”
A large, round young man came to the door. He had a large, round beard. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt that said, “1F U C4N R34D 7H15 7H3N F1X UR 0WN C0M9U73R” on the front and “N00B SL4Y3R” on the back. “What d’ya want, Blunt,” he said gruffly.
I handed him the doughnuts and the large, round pizza. His large, round face did some odd things behind his beard that I think were meant as a smile. He asked me to come in.
“Ever had a computer take a shot at you?” I asked.
“All da time,” he said. “Wait. Ya mean, like, in real life?”
“Yeah. Apparently did it twice. Once while I was there. Missed both times. I guess computers don’t get to the range much, fortunately.”
“Y’bring it wid’ya?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’ll go get it.”
I went out to the car. L337 D00D started hoovering up the doughnuts and pizza. I brought the box into the house. He grabbed it. He sniffed the back. “Yeah, I knowz what’s goin’ on here,” he said. “Come on down an’ I’ll tell ya ’bout da Great Capacitor Caper.”