“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….”
What we believe
- We believe that God made humanity “by hand.” That is, Genesis 1 says that God commanded the earth to “bring forth” living creatures. This can be interpreted as God using natural processes to bring forth animal life. But humanity was made particularly in God’s image, separately from animals.
- Humanity was made inherently sexual, both male and female, to reflect the image of God. This gives a picture of the diversity in the Trinity.
- Humanity was given dominion over the earth and given the job of subduing it. The word “subdue” implies bringing an unruly creation into submission.
- Humanity was made “very good” but fell into alienation from God. Human nature reflects both the goodness of its creation as very good as well as the corruption brought about by the fall.
- Human beings were intended to live in fellowship with God and with others.
- Humans gain their identity by their “connectedness” — with their family, friends, their society, their culture, and so on.
- Humans by default are connected to “old humanity” — humanity alienated from God and therefore doomed to die.
- Humans gain immortality by their connection with God.
What we don’t believe
- Humanity is not just another animal.
- Sexuality is not a social construct.
- Raw nature is not what God intended.
- People in their current state are not inherently good.
- People in their current state are not inherently evil.
- “It is not good for a man to be alone.”
- Human identity is not inherent in a person; it becomes shaped by social interaction.
- Humans are not inherently children of God. Christianity doesn’t teach that all men are children of God, nor even that all men are brothers.
- Humans are not inherently immortal.
How this affects you
- You are not just an animal. You are a kind of “hybrid” having both a physical (animal) nature and a spiritual nature. The spiritual nature is intended to rule but not eliminate the physical. Rather, the physical is the means whereby the spiritual is expressed.
- Sex is not just for you. God intended you to express your sexuality in a way that reflects his purposes. Those purposes include
- Companionship
- Procreation
- Revealing God’s inner nature through mutual love of husband and wife
- We should not worship nature — God intended us to reshape nature. But we should do so in away that respects its being. E.g. turning a barren wilderness into fruitful farmland is a good thing. Turning a barren wilderness into an even more barren, polluted toxic waste dump is not a good thing.
- Humans are more important to God than animals (“you are worth many sparrows”).
- Humans become who they are by who they connect with. Thus connecting with God’s people is essential to become who God wants you to be.
- If you don’t already have it, you need salvation, which is the means whereby you become a child of God and gain eternal life.